The Fightin' Seventh FNO

Event Summary

Departure Airport: KATL
Arrival Airport: KATL
Route: N/A
Date: 12/16/22 23:59:00Z (GMT)

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Events Details

Area 7 ("The Fighting Seventh") lies north of ATL. We are called the Fighting Seventh because a fist fight broke out in the Area between 2 controllers back in '92 over a traffic situation, and we used to have an A-hole reputation like Area 3. In fact, there is mutual bad blood between Area 3 and Area 7 to this day in some quarters. Remember, controllers are tribal. Our tribes have been at war for years, but the younger guys in my generation are slowly burying the past as we bury older controllers.

Practice your rebel call with Atlanta, Memphis and Indianapolis ARTCCs as we staff ATL, CLT, BNA, MEM, and CVG on December 16th at 2359z.